Ganon delivers one of the World’s best keynote speeches and school assemblies around the world.

Renowned author, speaker, and pro basketball trainer.

A legendary figure in the basketball arena who has developed over 300 NBA/WNBA talents and World Champions.

Ganon Baker delivers a passionate presentation where he unveils leadership secrets and solutions to empower students, athletes, entrepreneurs, coaches, and leaders.

Not only in their field, but in their life.

Ganon Has Spoken To These Corporations and Organizations 

You can’t give away what you don’t possess...

Talent alone isn’t enough…you can be the most talented, but unless you develop your talent to lead, people won’t follow you.

Hi, I’m Ganon Baker. I share the leadership secrets that I’ve learned after training with Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant, USA Olympians, and more than 300 NBA players over the past three decades.

I’ll teach you how to develop your talent so you can be an empowering leader in your school, in your job and in your life.


Hi, I’m Ganon Baker

I’ve spent 3 decades being a world renowned leader and coach. I’ve coached over 300 elite NBA/WNBA talents, including luminaries like Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant, and Maya Moore.

My influence extends beyond the court. I have a compelling narrative and inspiring message that resonates to schools, organizations and companies across the US, leaving a lasting impact on humans.

My global outreach has spanned globally. I have spoken in 52 countries across 6 continents, where my message ignites passion and drive in diverse audiences.


Discover steps, strategies and solutions to inspire any person to become their own G.O.A.T.




"Ganon has a special gift to connect to our young people of today and the ability to give them hope for a better future that they control."

- Sandra Fabian
Community Outreach Program - Manager CHKD, Norfolk, VA

"Ganon was extraordinary. His message was on-point and quite timely for the purpose of my assembly. I believe that Ganon made a difference today in the future success of Salem students." - Dr. Donald Robertson, Principal, Salem High School, Virginia Beach , VA

"Schools and students have needed Ganon's type of presentation for years. His message is an absolute necessity right now. "

- Sue Edwards
Principle, Jones Magnet Middle School, Hampton, VA

Empower Your Audience in 3 Easy Steps

  • 1. Explore

    Tell us about your organization and let’s get a speaking engagement on the books.

  • 2. Empower

    I’ll uplift your audience with a message of faith and encouragement, delivered with passion & contagious energy.

  • 3. Excel

    Your audience will learn the secrets to developing their talents and walk away inspired with passion and purpose to win in life.


Ganon Baker Speaks to Audiences Around the World on Leadership, Motivation, Youth Empowerment, Faith, Communication, Career Exploration & Winning Culture

Who Hires Ganon Baker to Speak?

● Entrepreneurship Organizations
● Corporations for Team Development & Other Events
● Educational Institutions
● Sports Teams and Organizations
● Faith-Based Organizations for Conferences (youth & adult)
● Schools and Universities

Yes, I Want To Book Ganon Baker

Don’t Miss an Opportunity to Uplift and Encourage Your Audience

Your audience deserves to be inspired, ready to develop their talents to become effective leaders